Quick return to Warhammer Fantasy
Last week the postman made my day by delivering 2 things:- ticket for Faith No More gig July 4th (YAY!!!)- solid box from Canada with 4 models inside: missing scavvies and mounted Khorne champion I am obligated to paint in exchange for the Necromunda stuff.I am really glad I met the client on Lead adventures board bazaar section, because sniping the missing minis one by one off Evilbay is such a huge pain in the ass…
Names for the leader and one of scalies are already chosen but still looking for proper name for another heavy hitter – any suggestions are welcome, after all painted and named models fight better ^^
At this stage we’re planning color scheme for the Blood God lord so I can start works (and finish them!) as soon as possible to come back to the Underhive eventually. So many gangers yet to be paint-slapped…Speaking of this – 2 more cockers joined the nicely painted side of the force: Grinder and Rutgut. This time there’s only one model from the past as a company – oldie leader.That means I will be repainting the gangers shortly. Pic might seem worse that usual because models were varnished shortly before I put them into the photo station: the varnish worked kinda weird – models looked „sweaty” instead of matt.
And the last thing – fucking awful wip shot of the background I’m gonna use for post-apo photos. The idea was nicked from JRN blog – really love his creations and deeply hope such stuff will work fine with my minis. I thought if I ever get bored with such background I will use it for the final scenic base for some of my dark future minis (so many yet to be done).Also I’ve been taking some step-by-step photos so after the base is done I should have enough material for medium sized article – hope I can finally bring some solid spam dose to CofC articles section.