Pyrkon 2016
Hello again,
This time instead of my personal spam only, I’m bringing some large scale spam from one of the biggest (if not THE biggest) multigenre fan convention in Poland: Pyrkon 2016.And just like last year and year before – it was a blast: huge event with lots of things to see and tons of attractions for 3 days: interviews with people standing behind the hobby, games, prelections, contests, miniatures, cosplays, rpg, board games… You name it.
From what I heard yesterday about 35.000 – 40.000 participants came to the event this year.
This time it was totally different trip because my wifey (and kid) decided to get on board.So there were pros and cons:Good thing was my kid saw even more daddy’s toys and got lots of photos with robots, superheroes and characters from fav cartoon and my wifey got assured my hobby friends are not (only) mid-aged degenerates and drunkards.
As for cons – such even was just too big for 4,5 years old kid so we were mostly watching stuff and only for half of Saturday. And because of that there was no wargaming for daddy.
And no drinking after gaming…
And no sleeping under gaming board after drinking after gaming…With figure case as pillow…Just like last year…
Anyway – there was also painting contest organized by the Chest of Colors team – I brought „Dagon” Hellhound as large model entry and „Copplestone’s finest” as squad. I got 3rd place for the tank and honorable mention for unit – not bad for gaming models especially there were some awesome works this year – you can see some quick shots below but Sławol from CofC was taking pro pics of all entries so I’ll try to post the link when he’s done with the work.
Hope you like the pics – next time I’ll do my best to bring some minis and play a bit Battletech.