
12 sierpnia, 2021 Piotr Mikians 0 Comments

M18 Hellcat

So I was supposed to paint infantry… I was (I still am actually) only 7 models away from having fully painted 1000 points Bolt Action US battle force.
But the urge was too strong…

When I got the model I still had some infantrymen on the desk, and opened the Hellcat box „just” to check if there’re no parts missing of has is arrived undamaged…
Yeah, rrright…

Model was assembled in like two evenings so the painting could start with no delay.
I wanted to make it fit rest of my machines but also wanted to see it slightly brighter.
And actually everything was going nice until I got bit carried away by weathering. Let’s face it –  getting tanks dirty is the very best thing in this whole painting business!

 As for the model quality: absolutely no complains. Once again I can definitely recommend anything released by Italeri. All parts fit nicely, all details are sharp. My only regret is there’s only one more model from that manufacturer for my army, whch I don’t really need.

I wanted to paint both crew members but only loader could be positioned nicely on the seat behind cannon, so the legless veteran commander has to wait for some other task.
The loader also has no legs by the way. It’s definitely most hardcore and totally BADASS crew in my army!

Painting is very similar to my earlier machines (M4 ShermanM8 GreyhoundM3A1 halftrack) so there’s not much more to be added. On this one I tested applying wet mud on the hull (like it’s riding through puddles or something) but result is not spectacular. The dirt is just barely seen. I think I was expecting something more „chunky”.
So in when all was done I hit my new ride with yellowish pigments (especially in the rear) and that’s what I was really looking for – strong contrast. Looks like dried mud.

So – no more babbling, hope you like my work! 🙂

Below – drastic details of turret interior.See? The guy has no legs!

And my whole armored fist at current stage.

Party time is over, time to take care of some intentry models.

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