It finally happened.Screwed weather combined with some paperwork I had to finish made me stay home. When the job was done I started painting remaining US sarge and since once fuc#ing again Bolt Action match got cancelled – model was finished yet the same evening.
And it turned out my basic (over) 1000pts strong US force has just been totally painted!
Quite an achievement considering my free time limits and the fact painting more less the same uniform on each and every model is just rather boring (this makes me wonder why it was taking me so much time to get Necromunda gangers done).
But since group of painted models always look nice I think it was worthy effort.
What next?
I hope to expand the group by adding more regular infantry (from Black Tree Designs and West Wind): I defintely need more BARs, I definitely want to see larger teams, medium mortar would also be nice touch just to mess with enemy MMG teams.
I also want to play.
Dammit! Right now it’s 3rd weekend without cellar gunfight… ><
Hope you like the team: