
2 sierpnia, 2021 Piotr Mikians 0 Comments

Another week is passing so it’s high time for some summarizing.
So first and probably the most important thing this week – I finished the first of 3 hydra warriors I have. I also finished display base for these wicked zombie-dwarfs and I hope to start painting warrior #2 today evening.
I said is before but have to say this again – can’t remember when was the last time I was having so much fun painting minis before I got my Rackham delivery!

Speaking of Rackham stuff – yesterday I took some minis and washed them off. Some of them were half-assembled so I had to remove all superglue, modelling putty etc. There was some work with that but now models are waiting in string bags until I finish hydra warriors so I can start something much bigger like one of aberrations or one of trolls I have 🙂

But the world doesn’t spin around french miniatures only. Last week FINALLY models ordered from goddamn Cytadela arrived. So yesterday I drilled, pinned, assembled and undercoated Rhulic Highshields. They will stay like this until I learn what is the theme of next NQ painting challenge – I’d like to use these dudes and one of plinths I got recently.
Tomorrow I’ll try to contact with NQ team to check if they approved articles I wrote some time ago. I’d also like to know if photos of Red Hook are fine enough or do they want me to take new ones – the deadline is 01.03.2010.

In the parcel from Cytadela there was also plastic Chaos Lord from Warhammer 40000. I used this set + bits I have in the mysterious box to build lord and sorcerer. Both models have been assembled and undercoated today so I hope to start works on new servants of Nurgle as soon as possible – such minis are rather Ebay-friendly.

We all know the hobby is not only painting miniatures.
Last tuesday I finally visited Tat Studio to finish Great Cthulhu on my arm! After 4 painful hours the picture was nearly done… Nearly because the tissue didn’t heal enough since previous needleplay so tattooist didn’t want to risk screwing it by adding colors.
I will go there in month or two to finish whole thing but now my favorite Great Ancient One looks like thisthis or this. At the moment it looks better (it’s been 5 days since I got it) but the skin is still healing up.
On Friday the picture was presented in my workplace – I accidently forgot to wear long sleeve in the office. Funny thing – nobody told me absolutely anything about that. Actually all co-workers were pretty silent that day hehehe… ^^

So what else?
My zombie wolfen didn’t find new home on Ebay and because I’m not going to use it for anything and because it totally doesn’t fit my glass case I recided to put it on Ebay again. I dropped the price so I hope this time someone will take the miniature to new home.

The last thing for this post – because I finished Call of Duty: Airborne I ordered CoD: World at War and hope to see it in my PS3 tomorrow. We’ll see if my rifle is enough to stop horrible banzai-charge of Japanese soliders.

That’s all for now – see you next Sunday!

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