
2 sierpnia, 2021 Piotr Mikians 0 Comments

Heya again!

It’s almost midnight but it still counts – we have Sunday so I’ve just finished assembling pics for tonight update and I’m ready to provide regular dose of hobby spam!
This time once again I barely managed to prepare whole stuff on time: during last week I was having big problems with formating new pc and the fact I couldn’t get on-line whenever I want or need distracted me SO MUCH I couldn’t focus on painting…
It’s damn embarrassing but apparently it’s big sign: WATCH OUT – ADDICTION AHEAD.
Because of that damn thing the only painting I was able to do was:
– undercoating the troll one evening (which took ~20 mins)
– painting it’s eye – another evening + ~10 mins of work

Of course I also assembled the thing which was quite an achievement – this badass is the worst casted Rackham model I painted so far!
After cleaning all parts it turned out there are some over 1mm gaps between parts! O_o
I managed to fill them with gs and hope to take pics properly so none ot these flaws will be visible. Hope I had just badluck although I’d like to know if anyone else met similar problems with this model…
As you can see I started with blue-ish tone because it will be placed in winter scenery. I 've already prepared properly big plinth so it will present itself nicely in the store *fingers crossed*

Next news is the postman delivered Warmaster Ogres I won on Ebay last week!
These minis are just sweet – I actually didn’t expect such a nice casting and details quality so the painitng will be just fun!Now I really regret someone outbided me on Troll auction but I think I’ll try hunt them down again after I cope with Ogres. Who knows maybe I’ll even play Warmaster game? I was told it’s much better fun than just WFB.
Otoh I think even playing fucking tic-tac-toe is bigger fun than WFB…

Anyway today after dinner I realised it’s Sunday, I have to go to gym in a few hours and I haven’t painted ANYTING fot weekly spamming except for troll’s eye!!!
So I grabbed ghoul which got post-apo base yesterday and started painitng this poor scavenger
about 4 hours later model was ready so I can prodly say I painted a miniature this week!
I wish I had such painting speed more often though…

There are some parts to be corrected but I really like the model – once again I must say Mantic Games did great job here. I like the model so much it will definitely become part of plague-cult gang for Tale of Gamers COFC project. I might even add another one!

Is there anything else? Actually yes!
Plague marine is doing fine on Ebay so I think I can start chosing another nurgle Model for auction 😉

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